Hey Queen, I’m
Mel Endorphine.

My expertise lies in helping visionary women master their feminine magnetism to attract their soulmate & cultivate healthy, soulful love that leads to deeply fulfilling relationships.

coming soon.

My Story

It all started when I thought I had found the one. For a few years, everything looked good on paper - we were engaged, traveling the world and doing all the things a “perfect Instagram couple” does, but I could feel something wasn’t right.

Back then, I barely knew myself and was just beginning to discover who I was, which is why I couldn’t attract a partner who truly aligned with me. It broke my heart when I realised love alone wasn’t enough and that you need compatibility, a vision & shared values to build a lasting relationship.

We were stuck in cycles of conflict we could never really work through. After years of pouring all my heart into this relationship, I realised this wasn’t working for me.

I promised myself that next time, I would enter a relationship more consciously. I’d know what I was looking for in a partner and heal those toxic patterns, so I didn’t end up in the same relationship dynamics again, just with a different person.

I refused to settle for less than the kind of love I knew I deserve, but the journey wasn’t easy.